Digital Resources

Based on my corpus linguistic skills and experience as a foreign language educator, I develop digital resources to help teachers create more authentic and data-driven lessons. These resources use corpus linguistics to enable the integration of authentic language into classroom materials and to tailor students’ linguistic classroom input to support experiential learning.

Large digital collection of texts in simple German as a resource for data-driven language learning at low levels of proficiency (project website).

My digital, interactive browser book for data-driven learning of academic German writing is now available for public use here.

Interactive web applications that assists teachers in analyzing and preparing texts for German as a foreign language classes (demo, code).

Online repository for learning German as a foreign language (site).

Interactive online application for quick, easy, and all-in-one student course evaluations (demo, code).

R function that calls a local installation of TreeTagger and identifies sentences in the parsed corpus much faster than similar functions (code).