Scholarly Outreach
I specialize in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. My research approach draws on my training in usage-based linguistics, which incorporates corpus linguistic methods and behavioral experiments to study language use and acquisition. Over time, my research methodology has evolved to be more closely aligned with the practical aspects of language education. I now design controlled studies with ecologically valid interventions, drawing on my experience as a foreign language educator. Specifically, my focus is on understanding the interlinked effects of input and instructions on language learning. Through this approach, I aim to address questions that are directly relevant to language teaching, while also drawing conclusions that are relevant to both the fields of linguistics and language education.
Appears | “Analyzing the Use of Particle Verbs in German as a Foreign Language: Unproductive Particle Separation and Data-Driven Learning Interventions”. In Language Teaching Research. Together with Zeng Jing. |
In Preparation | “Germany’s self-image in the political China discourse” [working title]. Together with Fan Yiyang. |
2024 | “Korpus einfaches Deutsch” (Corpus Simple German). In Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache 4 (1), 123-130. Together with Gunther Dietz. |
“What foreign language learners make of grammatical descriptions depends on description type, proficiency, and context.” In Review of Cognitive Linguistics 22 (1), 36-69. | |
2022 | “Korpus Einfaches Deutsch: Materialgrundlage für die daten-getriebene Lehre von Deutsch als fremder Bildungssprache auf niedrigem Sprachniveau.” In Didactica, Cultura, Lingua - Perspektiven des Deutschen, edited by Yuan Li, Fang Liu, and Zhongxin Wang, 231–44. München: Iudicium. |
“QuAX-DaF. Quantitative Linguistik trifft Fremdsprachenlehre.” Zielsprache Deutsch 48 (3): 21–38. | |
2021 | “Revisiting German Two-Way Prepositions. Towards a Usage-Based Account of Case.” Zeitschrift Für Sprachwissenschaft 40 (2): 95–133. |
“Something I Was Dealing with. Preposition Placement in Multilingual Constructicons.” In Language Change, Multilingual Practices, and Additional Language Acquisition, edited by Hans Boas and Steffen Höder, 340–74. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. | |
2018 | “A Usage-Based Approach to Preposition Placement in English as a Second Language.” Language Learning 68 (1): 271–304. |
2024 | “Wie kommen authentische Sprachdaten in den DaF-Unterricht? Datengeleitetes Lernen (DDL) mit dem Korpus einfaches Deutsch (KED)” (How to use authentic data in GFL lessons? Data-driven learning [DDL] with the Corpus Simple German [KED]). Southwest Regional German Language Symposium, Mianyang, December 1. Together with Gunther Dietz. |
“Partikelverben im Kontext: Eine Korpusstudie für den DaF-Unterricht” (Particle verbs in context: A corpus study for GFL lessons). DAAD-Lektorentreffen 2024, Shanghai, September 27. Together with Zeng Jing. | |
“Wissenschaftliches Schreiben mit Korpora: Die datengeleitete Vermittlung wissenschaftssprachlicher Textsorten am Beispiel einer neuartigen Lehr-/Lernressource” (Academic writing with corpora: The data-driven teaching of academic language text types using the example of a new teaching/learning resource). Öffentliches Kolloquium des Österreichischen Austauschdienstes, Shanghai (online), October 19. |
“Das Korpus Einfaches Deutsch (KED) als Werkzeug für den DaF-Unterricht: Ein Anwendungsszenario zur Vermittlung der je-desto-Konstruktion” (The Corpus Simple German [KED] as a tool for German as a foreign language teaching: An application scenario for teaching the je-desto construction). Korpora, datengeleitetes Lernen (DDL) & Konstruktionen - Anwendungsszenarien für die DaZF-Vermittlungspraxis, Bamberg (online), September 27. Together with Gunther Dietz. | |
“Partikelverben im Kontext: Eine Korpusstudie für den DaF-Unterricht” (Particle verbs in context: A corpus study for teaching German as a foreign language). Korpora, datengeleitetes Lernen (DDL) & Konstruktionen - Anwendungsszenarien für die DaZF-Vermittlungspraxis, Bamberg (online), September 27. Together with Zeng Jing. | |
“Korpus einfaches Deutsch (KED): Eine digitale Ressource für den datengestützten Fremdsprachenunterricht auf Anfängerniveau” (Corpus Simple German: A digital resource for data-driven foreign language learning at beginner level). Asiatische Germanistenkonferenz, Qingdao, August 25-28. Together with Gunther Dietz. | |
“Deutschlands Selbstbild im Spiegel des politischen China-Diskurses” (Germany’s self-image in the mirror of the political China discourse). Asiatische Germanistenkonferenz, Qingdao, August 25-28. Together with Fan Yiyang. | |
“基于学习者语料库研究和数据驱动学习的德语写作课程设计探索” (An Exploration of German Writing Course Design Based on Learner Corpus Research and Data-Driven Learning). 第二届外语教育学学术论坛. June 29th. Together with Zeng Jing. | |
“Korpus einfaches Deutsch - Sprachdidaktische und korpuslinguistische Perspektiven eines neuen Korpusprojekts” (Corpus Simple German - Language didactics and corpus linguistic perspectives of a new corpus project). Einfach oder komplex? Befunde zur Passung geschriebener Sprache für verschiedene Zielgruppen, Heidelberg, March 21-22. Poster. Together with Gunther Dietz. | |
2023 | “Wissenschaftssprachliche Textsorten meistern: Eine korpusgestützte digitale Lehr- und Lernressource für Studierende von Deutsch als Fremdsprache und verwandter Fächer” (Mastering academic text types: A corpus-based digital teaching and learning resource for students of German as a foreign language and related subjects). DAAD-Lektorentreffen 2023, Shanghai, December 01-03. |
“Wie Wörter lehren? Gebrauchsbasierte und bedeutungsorientierte Wortschatzarbeit” (How to teach words? Usage-based and meaning-oriented vocabulary work). 2023 EAC German Sub-Committee National German Teacher Development Seminar, Hangzhou, March 3-5. | |
“Gebrauchsbasierte und bedeutungsorientierte Wortschatzarbeit” (Usage-Based and Meaning-Oriented Vocabulary Training) at the annual meeting of the DAAD lecturers in China, Beijing, June 02-04. | |
2022 | “What learners make of grammatical descriptions” (audio recording). EuroSLA 31 - The 31st Conference of the European Second Language Association, Fribourg, August 24-27. |
“QuAX-DaF. Quantitative Linguistik trifft Fremdsprachenlehre online” (QuAX-Daf. Quantitative Linguistics meets foreign language teaching online.). IDT 2022 - XVII. Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer, Vienna, August 15-20. | |
“Different types of grammatical description affect foreign language learning differently depending on proficiency and context”. Modern Linguistics and Language Didactics (LiDi 2022), Kassel (online), April 28-29. | |
“Foreign language learners’ ability to use grammatical descriptions changes with type, proficiency, and context”. 22. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium, Oldenburg (online), April 07-08. | |
2021 | “Vom didaktischen Nutzen grammatischer Beschreibungen”. Forschungskolloquium School of International Studies of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, October 10. |
“The Case of German Two-Way Prepositions”. 5th Symposium on Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar (LxGr 2021), Lancashire (online), July 03. | |
“Einfach mal ausprobieren: Korpus Einfaches Deutsch für daten-geleitetes Fremdsprachenlernen auf Anfängerniveau.” (Give it a try: Corpus Simple German for data-driven foreign language learning at low proficiency levels.) Nachwuchskonferenz der 48. Jahrestagung DaF/DaZ, Freiburg und Kassel (online), June 03-05. | |
2020 | “Früh übt sich, wer…: Korpus Einfaches Deutsch für daten-geleitetes Fremdsprachenlernen auf Anfängerniveau.” (Tis early practice…: Corpus Simple German for data-driven foreign language learning at low proficiency levels.) DAAD-Lektorenfortbildung 2020, Shanghai, November 26-28. |
2019 | “Red, Falling, Nearest Star: Does Exposure to Science Fiction Literature Predict Knowledge and Processing of Genre-specific Collocations?” 7th Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, Aarhus, May 22-24. |
“Multilinguals at the Explicit-Implicit Interface.” Workshop of the Arctic MSCA-IF Symposium, Tromsø, May 13. | |
“Iconicity in word order variation.” 12th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, Lund, May 03-05. | |
“Red, falling, nearest star: Does exposure to science fiction literature predict knowledge and processing of genre-specific collocations?” 3rd JenLing Workshop, Jena, February 08. | |
2018 | “What preposition placement depends on in learner English.” 8th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association: Applied Cognitive Linguistics, Koblenz, September 26-28. |
2017 | “Preposition placement in learner English.” 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC), Tartu, July 10-14. |
2016 | “On oblique relative clauses in learner English”. Cognitive Linguistics in Brno (CLiB), Brno, October 19. |
2024 | Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development. A Guide for Research, by P. Durrant. Info DaF, 51(2-3), 130-133. |
2021 | Fremdsprachenerwerb – Fremdsprachendidaktik, by J. Roche. daz-portal. Link |
2011 | Das Fremdwort im Deutschen, by P. Eisenberg. Lebende Sprachen, 56(2), 387-389. |
2024 | Online workshop on data-driven foreign language learning and the Korpus einfaches Deutsch (KED, ‘Corpus simple German’) at the FaDaF-Praxistag in Göttingen, October 12. Together with Gunther Dietz. |
Conference Korpora, datengeleitetes Lernen (DDL) & Konstruktionen on the use of corpora, data-driven learning activitites, and construction learning in German as a foreign language, Bamberg (online), September 27, 2024. Together with Gunther Dietz. | |
2022 | Germanistik Südwest 2022 (“German Studies in the Southwest 2022”) is a three-day online event aimed at advanced teachers of German, and includes lectures and workshops on the use of corpora in language teaching, Chengdu/Chongqing (online), October 28-30, 2022. Together with Sabrina Stock. |
2013 | Studentische Konferenz Sprachwissenschaft (Student Conference Linguistics) A one-day conference at University of Jena for students to present their work. Together with Bernhard Luxner. |
Collaborative revision of the Korpus einfaches Deutsch (KED, “Corpus Simple German”) with Gunther Dietz (University of Augsburg) and supported by the research fund of the University of Augsburg.
Investigation of data-driven learning methods for teaching the use of German particle verbs, in collaboration with Zeng Jing (Kunming University of Science and Technology) and supported by the Chinese German Language Education Fund Program.
Exploring cognitive metaphors as a pedagogical approach to learning the meanings of polysemous words in German as a foreign language, together with Bin Zhang (University of Cologne).
Analysis of the role and image of China in German political speeches using data linguistic and discourse analytical tools, in collaboration with Yiyang Fan (Beijing Foreign Studies University).